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Our Guide to Immersion Coffee Brewing

Our Guide to Immersion Coffee Brewing

Brewing coffee happens in a wide range of devices, with a variety of recipes and methods. If you break down coffee brewers into a few categories, it will be easier to understand how they work and what kind of coffee they produce. The two most common types of brewing you'll find if you brew coffee at home are immersion and pour over brewing. Each method yields a different taste, bringing our different characteristics of the coffee. Immersion brewing is an efficient way to achieve a great tasting cup of coffee.

What is Immersion Coffee Brewing?

Exactly as it sounds, immersion brewing involves immersing coffee grounds in water. However, as simple as that sounds, there’s a lot of science involved.

Immersion brewing is all about the interaction between the coffee and water until you say otherwise. Though generally no associated with immersion brewing, probably the most well-known immersion method is the French press. With immersion brewing, you can either press down the filter and pour out the coffee or unplug the hole so that the liquid coffee can drain out into a mug.

An advantage of immersion coffee brewing is the control it gives you over the coffee. You can manage the water temperature, the coffee ground size, and the coffee and water interaction time according to your taste.

What other equipment is needed for Immersion Brewing?

What other equipment is needed for Immersion Brewing?

As immersion brewing is such a simple technique, you only need a few additional items to brew delicious coffee:

A Coffee Scale - With this, you can always be certain how much water and coffee are being used, which gives you full control over the brew. Furthermore, you will enjoy the same delicious and balanced cup every day.

A Coffee Grinder - After being roasted, coffee is only at its peak freshness and flavor for 2-3 weeks. The coffee's freshness and flavor last for 20-30 minutes once ground. For the best flavor, purchase whole beans and grind them just moments before brewing.

An Immersion Dripper - This is an absolute must. Hario Immersion Drippers are our preferred option to make each cup full of flavor and aroma. They give the final brew a very robust flavour with good body.

Hario Switch Immersion Dripper

Hario V60 Immersion Dripper Switch Set - Size 02

Either it is the Hario V60 Switch Immersion Dripper - Size 02 / Size 03 or Hario V60 Immersion Dripper Switch Set - Size 02, it allows you to brew how you want and when you want. There is no doubt that the Hario Switch is a game-changer! Several methods of brewing are available with these hybrid brewers. Experimenting and trying out new tastes according to your choice is possible with these Hario immersion brewers. The design of it looks very much like your classic Hario V60. Its shape is like a cone of heatproof glass. There is a silicone space inside the cone. Depending on whether it is opened or closed, you can use it as an immersion or full pour-over brewer.

What are the differences between immersion and pour-over brewing?

A percolator or pod machine may have started your coffee journey if you've been drinking it for a long time. But if you're a burgeoning coffee connoisseur, you've probably considered switching to a manual brew process, as it will give you much more control of variables affecting the taste of your coffee.

Hario V60 Switch Immersion Dripper - Size 02

Let's start with the drip coffee brewing technique. This coffee brewing method involves placing a filter on top of a jar and making a smooth coffee bed on top of it. We then take hot water and pour it over the coffee bed. As soon as the water is flowing, gravity gets to work. As the water slowly penetrates the coffee bed, it will extract all of its flavors as the water makes its way to the jar below.

Among the most popular pour-over devices are the Hario V60.

Let's talk about Immersion Coffee brewing now. In the Immersion Coffee brew method, water is poured into coffee grounds rather than flowing through them. Whereas with the pour over method the key the timing of the water flow; with immersion brewing the crucial factors are grind size and how long the coffee and water interact. So, rather than focusing on pour control, brewers need to think more about brew time.

Pour-over coffee and Immersion Coffee brewing techniques differ in that the former uses a fresh stream of water. The latter, however, uses a finite amount of water to form a mixture with the coffee grounds.

Shop Immersion Drippers:

Hario V60 Immersion Dripper Switch Set - Size 02

Hario V60 Immersion Dripper Switch Set - Size 02

Hario V60 Switch Immersion Dripper - Size 02

Hario V60 Switch Immersion Dripper - Size 02

Hario V60 Switch Immersion Dripper - Size 03

Hario V60 Switch Immersion Dripper - Size 03

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